Always eager to help out fellow club members and expand his knowledge of the sport Hide has gone from a novice diver to a very experienced Spearo since he made the jump from SCUBA to freediving in 2008. Hide discovered the sport after visiting Spear America where on his first visit he signed up for the Fii level 1 class with our own Jeremy Caulkins. Since that time he has speared in many places up and down the coast, made multiple successful trips to Baja, BOLA, and other spear destinations. He has taken fish from starting from the common Opal Eye and sheepshead, to Yellow Tail, Blue Fin Tuna and sizable Groupers. We feel like Hide is a great fit for the club and has much to offer the guys and gals who are just entering the sport. Hide has already started creating more events for our members such as the Peace Boat Dive Trip, the Catch and Cook earlier this month and the upcoming CPR Classes that have been set up. He has even more stuff on the burner as we speak such as a Northern Cal Campout, and more dive boat dates. We are excited for the new energy he is brining to the table and am sure he will serve his position with vigor and honor.